Monday, September 29, 2008

Palin and Couric

So it's been awhile since I last posted anything. And right now all I am doing is sharing one of the greatest Saturday Night Live skits with you all. Watch it and a funny and sad way. I dare you to watch the real interview with Katie Couric and find any where SNL took any great liberties with the dialog. So if you are a McCain fan, ask yourself if you are ready for this person to take office if McCain kicks the bucket...


Jamie Anderson said...

The only thing Palin has going for her is that naughty librarian look. I think her and McCain are doomed.

Anonymous said...

Tina Fey is incredible.

R. Ian Parlin said...

I found a clip of the 'real' interview and you are right, the difference between that and the SNL version are almost indistinguishable. If McCain and Palin's campaign isn't doomed then we all are.